A PPG is a group of patients joining together in a voluntary capacity to enhance the Practice by working alongside the doctors and nurses on behalf of, and representing the patients. The PPG is not a vehicle for clinical complaints but it aims to establish a two-way communication between the Partners, staff and patients.
The Forest House Surgery PPG was set up in February 2011 and currently consists of 9 practice patients. At present they meet monthly at the surgery where they discuss any issues affecting the practice and help the surgery to deliver the best service it can.
The PPG have a notice board in the surgery reception which gives details of current activities, PPG contact details and contact information for different support groups. They also produce a patient newsletter which keeps patients up to date on any surgery news and services that are available.
Joining the PPG
We currently have a full complement of patients serving on the Group who meet regularly to discuss matters affecting the practice and its patients; However, to ensure we are fully representative of the patient community and their needs we would like to build a contingent of ‘virtual’ PPG members who would be happy to be contacted by email on a very occasional basis to complete short questionnaires relating to issues specific to themselves or their Peer group to ensure that the views of as many patient groups as possible are considered.
If you would like to be a virtual PPG member please download the following form
Virtual PPG Form (DOCX, 86KB)
Minutes of Meetings
October 2023
November 2023
January 24